Using private jets is the best way for you to travel with your furry friend.  However, did you know that, depending on breed and species, animals might tolerate travel in an airplane much less than you do?

Air travel for our four legged companions can not only be uncomfortable but also traumatizing and, in the worst case, even life threatening.

Pets On Jets guarantees exclusive pet hospitality and veterinary competence throughout the entire flight and enables the highest levels of safety and comfort for both of you.

Exclusive Private Air Travel Designed for Very Important Pets

Pets On Jets flight stands for first class travel experiences with authentic hospitality, individually adapted to meet your and your pet’s needs.  

Just like you, your furry friend enjoys 100 percent air travel convenience with respect to comfort and culinary delight, but also appropriate and skilled response to any emergency.  Sit back, relax and enjoy an amazing flying experience with your furry family member.

PetsOnJets for You – Developed by Veterinary Professionals

Prior to your journey we find out flight relevant information about your pet such as special features, character traits, previous psychological trauma, dietetic needs and allergies, previous medical conditions, etc. These are not only important in the context of flight preparation but also highly relevant to ensure top level hospitality.

Veterinary Certified and Trained

This means you will enjoy exclusive pet hospitality on board (including our PoJ Amenity Kit), a stress free atmosphere on board, veterinary first aid competencies in case of emergency (incl. Our PoJ Medical Kit) as well as additional services individually tailored to your and your pet family’s needs.

  • Pet Friendly VIP Shuttle Service
  • Pet Friendly Helicopter Service
  • Pet Friendly Destinations
  • Pet Catering in Flight

Find out more

Pets On Jets trains private jet operators to top level proficiency in providing you and your pet with a unique private jet flight. A deeper insight into the exclusive pet hospitality available on board and the attendant safety measures can be found here.

Board of Experts – From Pilots and Veterinarians Working Together

Our knowledgeable and motivated team of experts guarantees detailed expert knowledge and business experience. Plans and techniques are derived from the fields of Aviation, Veterinary Medicine, VIP Services and Pet Hospitality.

The Team

John Doe


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John Doe


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John Doe


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John Doe


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